Monthly Archives

February 2021

4 Ways To Tame Chronic Pain

The pain is unbearable. In the past, you could do so much. Your energy levels were high, and you accomplished projects with enthusiasm and ease. When injuries or medical conditions, however, lead to chronic pain, lives change dramatically.…

The Many Uses of Melatonin

Chances are you have heard of melatonin, but how much do you know about it? This hormone is produced by your pineal gland — a gland in the middle of your brain that is about the size of a pea — as well as by the lining of the gut. Melatonin…

A Guide to Living With Acne

Acne may be a common skin condition, but that doesn’t mean it is merely a minor inconvenience. Sure, we all get pimples now and then, especially during the teen years. But some people suffer tremendously from severe acne, and the disease’s…

Non-invasive Ways to Tighten Loose Skin

Loose skin is a problem that detracts from one’s quality of life, sometimes in very serious ways. Sagging skin around the face, neck, arms, stomach and elsewhere can leave people with a very negative body image that inhibits their desire to…

What Is Clean Beauty?

One of the most important but also most misunderstood terms in the personal care industry is “clean beauty.” Like the term “natural,” clean beauty is not defined by the FDA, and thus has no manufacturing standards or definition that tells…