Three Key Benefits of Using a Wearable Health Device

Recent years have seen the rise of many different health assistance applications and wearable devices. The question many continue to ask is if these products truly have a positive outcome on their overall health. The short and simple answer is:

Yes! They can and do help improve users’ health.

With any such program or device there are limitations that should be addressed. A health monitoring device cannot walk for you or make you eat healthier. However, it can track your health over a prolonged period and help you be more self-conscious in the decisions that you make.

Examples of this would be taking the steps at work instead of the elevator, choosing a healthier food option or sticking to a more routine sleeping schedule.

In this article we will discuss four key benefits of using a wearable health device like OuraRing and a few actions you can take to improve your overall health. Want to know how your wearable can help you live longer? Read on to find out!

  1. Step tracking – helps decrease mortality rate

When most think about improving their health their first thoughts are typically of rigorous cardio routines, boot camps, cross fit and intensive weight training. The truth is that simply increasing the number of steps you take per day can have incredible health benefits.

What are some of those benefits?

  • Burn calories
  • Strengthen your heart
  • Can lower your blood sugar
  • Ease joint pain
  • Boost immune functions
  • Boost energy
  • Improve your mood
  • Extend your lifespan

That is a lot of benefits and walking offers many more! In fact, just 30 minutes of walking per day can reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes, osteoporosis, heart disease and some cancers.

A wearable device such an OuraRing paired with its companion application and an Apple watch can help you keep track of the number of steps you are taking per day and let you make better choices based off that data.

Get steppin’!

  1. Improves sleep

Sleep specialists recommend seven to nine hours of sleep per night, but how often do we get that amount of sleep? Including the time spent tossing and turning trying to get comfortable or trying to wind down your mind laying in a dark room it can take people between 30 minutes to two hours to fall asleep.

The benefits of a good night’s rest are very considerable. Some of these benefits include:

  • Boosting your immune system
  • Weight gain prevention
  • Can strengthen your heart
  • Put you in a better mood
  • Increased productivity
  • Improves memory

 A wearable health device such as the OuraRing used with the Modo Bio companion application can track your sleep allowing you to have a specialist review those statistics and make proper recommendations to improve your sleep quality.

  1. Early recognition of health changes

Quite possibly one of the greatest benefits of using a wearable health device like OuraRing is it enables you and your doctors to analyze your biometrics over longer periods of time. During a short doctor visit your heart rate and blood pressure may be taken only once and you may not be exhibiting symptoms at that time.

A wearable health device continuously tracks your body’s health statistics which gives your doctor a greater sample size of information to notice possible changes and patterns. Early detection of issues and being proactive are vital to maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

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